=================== Wavelet.cwt =================== wavelet.cwt(data, dt, variance, n, pad, dj, s0, j1, lag1, param, mother) Continuous wavelet transform from data. Wavelet params can be modified as you wish. :Parameters: data: array_like. Raw of data or normalized data. dt: number. Time-sample of the vector. Example: Hourly, daily, monthly, etc... variance: number. Data variance. n: number. Length of the data. pad: number/flag. Pad the time series with zeroes to next pow of two length (recommended). Default: pad = 1. dj: number. Divide octave in sub-octaves. If dj = 0.25 this will do 4 sub-octaves per octave. s0: number. The maximum frequency resolution. If it is an annual data, s0 = 2*dt say start at a scale of 6 months. Default: s0 = 2*dt. j1: number. Divide the power-of-teo with dj sub-octaves each. Default: j1 =7/dj. lag1: number. Lag-1 autocoorelation for red noise background. Default: lag1 =0.72. param: number/flag. The mother wavelet param. Default: param = 6 (Morlet function used as default). mother: string. The mother wavelet funtion. Default: moher = 'Morlet'. :Returns: result: dict. Return all parameters for plot. .. Seealso:: wavelet.cwa Notes The Morlet wavelet is used as default int this code. The wavelet.cwt function call all lib_wavelet.py functions: :: +----------------+ | cwt.py | +----------------+ | +----------------+ | lib_wavelet.py | +----------------+ | +----------------+ +----------------+ | def wavelet |--| def wave_signif| +----------------+ +----------------+ | +----------------+ +----------------+ | def nextpow2 |--| def wave_bases | +----------------+ +----------------+ Example :: >> dt = 0.25 >> date1 = 1871 # Test data = sst_nino3.dat is already in the package! >> data,n,time = load_txt('sst_nino3.dat',dt,date1) # This normalize by variance >> data_norm, variance = normalize(data) # Continuous wavelet transform >> result = cwt(data_norm,0.25,variance,n,1,0.25,2*0.25,7/0.25,0.72,6,'Morlet')